Saturday, January 3, 2009

Expressive Evelyn

When we were taking pictures of Evelyn in her dress she started smiling and talking to Ben (who was holding her.) She made some cute faces, and I was able to capture a few on the camera. I couldn't decide which one was the best, so I am including two. Also I have an extra picture just to show all of Evelyn's dress. There is a story behind it. When Evelyn was just a few days old Ben's mom asked if we needed anything, wondering what she could get for Evelyn. We already had everything we needed, since we had Hannah, and were just planning on using everything for Evelyn that we had used for her. But Ben really wanted Evelyn to have her own special not-hand-me-down just-for-Evelyn dress. So Ben's Mom searched and found this one. I think it's adorable, and it really is nice to have a dress just for her.

1 comment:

Shelly said...

That's a cute story. And she's looking so big already!