Monday, December 15, 2008

Family Home Evening Adventures

Today for Family Home Evening we put up our Christmas decorations. (Yeah, I know it's late, but things are kind of busy with two little babies in the house.) Hannah had a delightful time looking in boxes and pushing them around. At one point I pulled out a little stuffed Christmas squirrel and arranged it carefully beside the T.V. with a garland curled around it. I saw Hannah's eyes light up as soon as I pulled it out, and I should have known right away that it would be useless to try my artistic talent on it, but I did anyway. No sooner had I taken my hands away from it (and perhaps even before) than Hannah headed purposefully towards it and claimed it as her own. She spent the next few minutes giving it hugs and kisses. It was pretty cute. I couldn't even begrudge my wasted efforts to use it as decoration.

This second picture didn't capture the moment very well, since I took it at a bad angle, but Hannah decided our empty boxes were just simply meant to climb on. She hasn't been much of a climber since she fell down the stairs one day, but she still has moments.

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