Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Hannah Walks

See my Hannah baby? This first video is an earlier video of her walking. These aren't her first steps...I don't actually think we got them on video, since by the time I'd see her take a couple of steps, it was over. This is one of the first times she'd taken more than a couple of steps, though. However, she's usually more careful about falling. It's not as often that she just goes ker-plonk. Grandpa broke her fall and saved the day.

The second video is kind of funny. We took it today (the 30th of July). She's getting better at walking and has taken over twenty steps now. However, she usually chooses the shortest route to get somewhere, as you can note since she headed for the couch first. Mom was holding the video camera, and a "kazoo," (incentive, you know), and half-way through her Grandpa suddenly rushed out seemingly from nowhere, and this video is the result.


Leanna said...

Hogenson!!! It's Dellenbach!!! How are you? Well great I suppose seeing your blog. Your baby is beautiful...just like her Sy! I found your address on the mission website...and I'm so glad you blog. Check out Escobar and I at

Shelly said...

Such cute videos! I can't believe she's walking already. I guess she's almost a year old, isn't she? Wow.