So, the first picture is of Hannah wearing a headband her great grandma sent her, and the second, obviously, is of Hannah playing with her feet (it's been her obsession for quite a while, every since my Mom pulled her feet up and bonked them on her nose), and the third picture is of Hannah with a spoon, which she also loves, since she loves to eat and that, to her, is what the spoon represents. Back to the second picture. It's funny that Hannah really likes to be undressed nowadays, because she can get at her feet better. The first thing she does when I take off her sleeper or change her diaper is grab her feet. It makes for an interesting diaper change.
Okay, so this is a video of Ben playing with Hannah. (The funny thing is Ben is the one making the most noise.) But I would definitely say we have a beautiful little girl. She learns so much every day. She's so happy. She always coos and laughs and plays and it's impossible not to catch her joyful spirit.