Saturday, December 27, 2008
Exciting World of Plastic Bags
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
The One Way She Sleeps
Monday, December 15, 2008
I didn't forget about Evelyn
Family Home Evening Adventures
This second picture didn't capture the moment very well, since I took it at a bad angle, but Hannah decided our empty boxes were just simply meant to climb on. She hasn't been much of a climber since she fell down the stairs one day, but she still has moments.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
My Little Model
Isn't she just adorable though? My little model queen.
Friday, December 5, 2008
First Spoon Meals
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Hannah Baby
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Hair All Gone!
So...I did it. Just like I said I would. I told everybody that as soon as my baby was born I was going to get a haircut. It wasn't very hard to do, since I was really ready for a change. One day I had noticed that my hair was very long...longer than it had been for several years. I wanted to grow it out just as long as it was before. I could be a couple of inches short of my goal, but it did reach the small of my back. I loved the way it felt on my elbows. But I had to use a lot of shampoo, and it took forever to dry, so I always wore it up, and I didn't really like the way it always got in Evelyn's mouth when she was trying to eat. I could get used to having shorter hair.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Hannah's New Little Doll
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Evelyn's Fourth Day
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Our New Little One
So, everybody, pictures, like I promised. I really think that the pictures speak for themselves. I am the Mom in green (obviously) and Hannah is the sweet little beautiful girl gazing in awe and wonder at her new sister. The new sister is Evelyn Jane Hildebrandt, born October 18, 2008, weighing seven pounds and one lonely ounce, and both of her Grandmas appear in the pictures too. Alas, you can only see my Mom's arm, but there is a lovely picture of Ben's Mom, Jane. Enjoy!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Hannah's Second 1st Birthday
So, everyone, lots of immediate family members (mostly doting uncles) have been asking to see this video, and it sure is cute. Ben had said that he didn't mind missing Hannah getting her first taste of icecream, as long as he could watch her eat her first bite of cake, but Mom convinced us to wait anyway, and Ben was very glad we did. It was a lot more fun to watch her get her first taste of icecream than it was to watch her eat her first cake. Since then, Hannah has delighted in eating anything cold. She'll down a whole popsicle in just moments. I guess in some ways she's just like her Daddy!
Monday, August 18, 2008
Hannah's First Birthday
I've got lots of pictures for this one, but I couldn't help it. Hannah was delighted with all of her gifts, especially the little picture book Linda, my sister, made her. She still loves to touch the soft spots on the book.
Hannah was so spoiled on her birthday. She received a lot of gifts from her aunts and uncles and her Grandma and Grandpa Hogenson. It was a really big birthday party for such a little girl. She got lego and a Fisher Price phone and books and electronic toys and all sorts of things. We chose Stephen to help her open the gifts because he played with her the most during the summer while we were in Calgary, and they became pretty good friends.
I think Hannah is so lucky. There are so many people who just adore her, and love her, and cuddle her and spoil her. I don't think she'll ever have reason to think that she isn't loved with so many people around "loving her" all the time!
Happy Birthday Hannah!
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Hannah Walks
The second video is kind of funny. We took it today (the 30th of July). She's getting better at walking and has taken over twenty steps now. However, she usually chooses the shortest route to get somewhere, as you can note since she headed for the couch first. Mom was holding the video camera, and a "kazoo," (incentive, you know), and half-way through her Grandpa suddenly rushed out seemingly from nowhere, and this video is the result.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Growing Up So Fast Part II
The picture of Hannah sleeping is really cute. My brother David babysat her and when I came home I found her asleep and took a picture. Ever since she learned to roll over she's preferred to sleep on her stomach, usually with her face planted into the sheets. The picture of Hannah standing up is the most recent one of her, at about eight and a half months. I was working on the computer and when I turned around I found she had pulled herself to a standing position to get the books on the second shelf (which she isn't allowed to have.) That's the first time I saw her do that, but she did it again today, although she propped herself up on the toolbox instead of on her walker.
Growing Up So Fast
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Hannah Changes
So, the first picture is of Hannah wearing a headband her great grandma sent her, and the second, obviously, is of Hannah playing with her feet (it's been her obsession for quite a while, every since my Mom pulled her feet up and bonked them on her nose), and the third picture is of Hannah with a spoon, which she also loves, since she loves to eat and that, to her, is what the spoon represents. Back to the second picture. It's funny that Hannah really likes to be undressed nowadays, because she can get at her feet better. The first thing she does when I take off her sleeper or change her diaper is grab her feet. It makes for an interesting diaper change.
Okay, so this is a video of Ben playing with Hannah. (The funny thing is Ben is the one making the most noise.) But I would definitely say we have a beautiful little girl. She learns so much every day. She's so happy. She always coos and laughs and plays and it's impossible not to catch her joyful spirit.